Project: ModtRekt

ModtRekt is a desktop app which helps undergraduate students plan their modules over their course of study, and manage their tasks and deadlines for each of them.

ModtRekt is optimized for use via a CLI while still having the benefits of a GUI.

Given below are my contributions to the project.

  • New Feature: Implemented task and deadline archival (marking as done) via the commands done task and undone task.
    • What it does: Allows user to mark tasks and deadlines as done or undone, with its status reflected as a badge in the UI.
    • Justification: This feature allows the user to keep track of which tasks and deadlines they have completed, and which ones they have yet to complete.
    • Highlights: The done tasks and be hidden or shown with the list task command.
  • New Feature: Implemented task and deadline prioritization and associated sub-command edit -p.
    • What it does: Allows user to prioritize tasks and deadlines, which are then displayed in the GUI in order of priority (none, low, medium, high).
    • Justification: This keeps the user aware of the most important tasks and deadlines, and allows them to focus on them first.
    • Highlights: This feature is implemented using a Priority enum, which is used in both Task and Deadline classes.
    • Credits: Jun Hao for the base edit task command, prior to which the command was implemented separately as prioritize.
  • Major Enhancement: Redesigned the module UI.
    • What it does: Replaced the inherited AB3 UI with a new UI that displays modules and tasks neatly with support for badges such as “done” and “selected”.
    • Justification: The visual design of the app is important to the user experience, and the old AB3 UI was not suitable for ModtRekt.
    • Highlights: The new module list is much more aesthetically pleasing with consistent spacing and typography.
    • Credits: Marco for designing the initial mockup in Figma, Jun Hao for implementing the Module class which the UI depends on.
  • Major Enhancement: Implemented the list task command.
    • What it does: list task shows all undone tasks, and list task -a shows all tasks.
    • Justification: This allows the user to hide completed tasks from the UI, which can be useful if the user has a lot of tasks.
    • Credits: AB3 codebase for the original list command.
  • Major Enhancement: Refactored the command parser to use the JCommander library.
    • What it does: Replaced command parsing in ModtrektParser via AB3’s ArgumentTokenizer with JCommander.
    • Justification: The AB3 parser was not suitable for ModtRekt’s Unix-style commands, which have many optional arguments. JCommander is a mature and more suitable library for parsing commands.
    • Highlights: JCommander does the heavy lifting of parsing commands via Java annotations, and every Command class no longer requires an accompanying Parser class.
    • Credits: Cedric Beust for creating the JCommander library.
  • Major Enhancement: Introduced the idea of command scoping in our commands.
    • What it does: AB3 commands were a single command word, so I added a second word task or module depending on the command’s scope to unify different commands.
    • Justification: This makes the commands more consistent and easier to understand what it affects.
    • Highlights: Prior to this, most commands were unclear as to what they affected, and some commands were ambiguous (e.g. done and archive).
    • Credits: All other team members for refactoring the commands to use the new scoping rule.
  • Major Enhancement: Improved the typography and styling for the user guide.
    • What it does: The user guide now has consistent spacing and a new color scheme.
    • Justification: This improves the readability of the user guide.
  • Code contributed: RepoSense link

  • Project management: Reviewed pull requests opened by other team members, tested their features, and suggested changes where necessary.

  • Documentation:
    • Added the section “Marking tasks as done” to the developer guide.
    • Added the section “Task listing” to the developer guide.
    • Added the section “General command syntax” to the user guide.
    • Updated the command summary in the user guide for accuracy.
  • Community: Thoroughly tested another team’s project, reporting bugs found with screenshots and detailed instructions on how to reproduce them here.

  • Other contributions: Demonstrated ModtRekt in the accompanying module CS2101 in week 12.